
All projects.

Last updated: July 16, 2024 at 9:34 am (CST)
BigPEmu is the first Atari Jaguar emulator to feature compatibility with the entire retail library, along with excellent performance and a wide variety of unique features. Visit the web site for download locations and additional information.
Requirements: Windows PC

Last updated: July 16, 2024 at 9:34 am (CST)
Noesis is a tool for previewing and converting between hundreds of model, image, and animation formats. It utilizes a robust plugin system, with support for native extension modules and Python scripts. The plugin/script API features hundreds of functions and interfaces which assist in developing new formats, tools, and visualization aids. Noesis also features processing, conversion, and visualization options for many different types of volume data, including medical imaging formats such as Analyze 7.5, NifTI-1, and DICOM.
Download: noesisv4474.zip
Requirements: Windows PC

Last updated: August 28, 2018 at 2:55 pm (CST)
Corporate Fury is a needlessly violent and profane fighter with RPG elements (story, open-world exploration, upgrades, items), midgets, and shitting dogs. It was originally released in 2010, running at a solid 30 frames per second on first-generation iOS devices.

Nearly a decade later, I released Corporate Fury: Capitalist Corruption Edition for Windows. It's completely free, as opposed to the usual free-to-play bullshit we see these days. I like to think of it as my personal hate letter to the corrupt global capitalism that helps enslave most of us, so please enjoy it in your spare time as you continue to throw most of your waking life away in service to a grotesque hierarchy of wealth!

There's a video showing some of the new Windows port features here, and you can download the original iOS release trailer here.
Corporate FuryCorporate Fury
Corporate FuryCorporate Fury
Requirements: iOS Device or Windows PC

Last updated: January 22, 2014 at 2:10 pm (CST)
AVALANCHE is a free Final Fantasy VII fan-game that I started back in late 2007. It features thirdperson action with RPG-like stat/inventory mechanics. This project is no longer being updated.
Download: avalanche_v08c.zip
Requirements: Windows PC with OpenGL

Last updated: June 19, 2011 at 12:00 am (CST)
This is a Quake mod I made for Quake Expo 2011. It was developed and intended to be played with a plain old software Quake engine, but I've also made sure it works well in DarkPlaces. Also, it's not a penis. I swear.
Download: quakemidgets01.zip
Requirements: Quake

Last updated: May 20, 2011 at 6:34 am (CST)
WarGodsGL is a new executable for the PC version of War Gods, and requires the full version of War Gods to run. New Features in WarGodsGL include:
  • Completely removed the dependency on DirectDraw and replaced it with OpenGL.
  • Fullscreen mode now works on Windows Vista/7 systems with a correct palette.
  • Removed constraints on size in windowed mode.
  • Corrected a bug with MCI commands that could cause the game to refuse to run on some systems.
  • Made program self-initializing. (no longer requires installation process)
  • Various potential bug/crash fixes left over from War Gods retail.
Download: WarGodsGLv01.zip
Requirements: Windows PC with OpenGL

Last updated: May 20, 2011 at 6:34 am (CST)
I wrote this program back around the time Duke Nukem Forever came out, it encodes/decodes data using DNF's silly lookup-key encryption. I don't know if they ever ended up changing the method or the key in patches.
Download: DNFProgress.zip
Requirements: Windows PC

Last updated: October 27, 2010 at 1:43 am (CST)
Previews and converts a variety of model formats to a variety of other model formats. As of version 5.0, mesh2rdm has been discontinued. It is completely unsupported in every way, and has been succeeded by Noesis.
Download: mesh2rdmv50.zip
Requirements: Windows PC

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Site design and contents (c) 2009 Rich Whitehouse. Except those contents which happen to be images or screenshots containing shit that is (c) someone/something else entirely. That shit isn't really mine. Fair use though! FAIR USE!
All works on this web site are the result of my own personal efforts, and are not in any way supported by any given company. You alone are responsible for any damages which you may incur as a result of this web site or files related to this web site.