Displaying entries for tag: Technology


My living room, as seen in Hell. Noesis now includes a Roomba script. It will track your Roomba, store tracking data, allow you to visualize that data in a variety of ways, and, of course, turn that data into a randomized DOOM map.

It would've been nice to get this done in time for DOOM's 25th anniversary, but as it came and went, I was still waiting to grab a Roomba 980 on eBay. I had the idea sometime back in November, as my wife and I were researching robot vacuums. I discovered that the newer Roombas are making use of a pretty respectable SLAM implementation, which led to wondering about what kind of data I could get out of it and what I could do with that data. Read more...

Sega VR Emulation

Sega VR in fisheye. Equipped with a high-frequency inertial measurement unit and two LCD screens, the Sega VR headset shares a lot of fundamental design with today's VR headsets. That design was nothing short of revolutionary when Sega officially unveiled the unit in 1993, promising to break new ground on the frontier of virtual reality.

Up to this point, we've gathered most of what we know about Sega VR from trade show appearances, marketing materials, patent documents, and firsthand accounts. This has meant that many of the unit's technical details have remained speculative or completely unknown. When looking back and studying hardware that pushed so many of the technical boundaries of its time, however, those details are important! Whether Sega VR achieved its many ambitious goals or not, it remains a fascinating and notable entry in VR history. Read more...

Noesis Model Server

The classics never die. Noesis now comes equipped with a Model Server script. You point it at a directory, and it crawls through everything under that directory to generate a cache of converted models. You can then tell it to spin up a web server, which hosts an index of said models, along with the models themselves via an embedded WebGL viewer.

As part of this functionality, I added support for importing and exporting glTF files. The importer handles both version 1.0 and 2.0 files. I also took the liberty of implementing a Noesis-specifc extension in order to preserve some of the more common data that the latest specification still doesn't cover. Read more...

Streaming and History

I've been exclaiming the dangers of streaming video game platforms and cloud-sourced computing for quite a while. In light of Google's recent Stadia announcement, I think it's worth going back to take a hard look at what this really means for the future (and more importantly, the history) of video games.

It should be understood up front that a streaming service for video games is every major video game publisher's dream come true. It promises an absolute solution to piracy, and it offers absolute control over video game content. Read more...

R5900 Emulation

Because I never even try to write meaningful things here anymore, I thought it might be a nice change of pace to actually mention something I've been working on lately. That would be a new R5900 emulator for Noesis. Read more...

More Kinect Mocap

Here's another video demonstrating motion recording in Noesis, now with ODE and custom ragdoll/IK support integrated.

Low gravity with hinge joints and high constraint values were used to create the moonboobies effect. Also, this video ended up going viral and getting over 500k views, air time on G4TV, and so on. Lesson learned: Incorporate boobies in absolutely everything I ever work on again.

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