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Tags: Projects

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Is Totally Takei The Duke Nukem Forever demo is out. I can't even convey how surreal it is to me to be typing those words. But anyway, I've been poking around the demo for the last couple of days, and a new version of Noesis is up now that supports extracting 5 different variants of its included .dat packages.

The picture is of the world's first (well, probably) right and proper DNF content mod, with Duke sporting his brand new Takei Pride tanktop. Noesis spits out all of the info you need to re-inject textures while it's extracting them, and I've already got a fully functional repacker that I intend to release sometime relatively soon. I've also finished hammering out the model format now, and Noesis v3.27 and later can view/export them.

Duke modelDuke model
Duke modelDuke model

The process of exporting the models is pretty simple, but requires a few steps. Here's a step by step of what you need to do. Read more...

R5900 Emulation

Because I never even try to write meaningful things here anymore, I thought it might be a nice change of pace to actually mention something I've been working on lately. That would be a new R5900 emulator for Noesis. Read more...

PayPal Donations

The PayPal donation button is now located under the About section. As mentioned previously, don't feel obligated to donate, and doing so doesn't win you the right to dictate my actions or the features I'll implement in any of my projects. It's just a way to say thanks to me if you found something I did/made useful. If just saying thanks isn't enough.

More Kinect Mocap

Here's another video demonstrating motion recording in Noesis, now with ODE and custom ragdoll/IK support integrated.

Low gravity with hinge joints and high constraint values were used to create the moonboobies effect. Also, this video ended up going viral and getting over 500k views, air time on G4TV, and so on. Lesson learned: Incorporate boobies in absolutely everything I ever work on again.

Kinect Mocap

Noesis just got support for mocapping with your Kinect, via OpenNI+NITE. Figured I might as well post the demo video here.

It's also got a primitive built-in editor to allow you to create your own bone maps, and specify other factors like translation scale and axis flipping.

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